The School of Communication, Film, and Media is excited to announce the formation of our inaugural Professional Advisory Board (PAB). The PAB is a diverse group of leading communication, film, and media professionals committed to supporting and realizing the School’s vision and goals. Our PAB members are established industry leaders who work closely with senior administration to guide, advise, and facilitate positive change in the School’s curriculum, experiential learning opportunities, and partnership activities so students graduate with portfolios that showcase their professional knowledge and skills, giving them a competitive edge in the industry. The board meets twice a year and is designed to forge a closer collaboration between industry leaders and education by continually improving the preparation for students in SCFM. Read more about the members by clicking on their bios below.

Meet the Professional Advisory Board of the School of Communications, Film, and Media

Amanda Lucey '06

CEO & Owner, The Partnership

Amanda Lucey headshot '06Amanda Lucey has been a communications leader, providing strategic public relations, branding and corporate communications for over 20 years. She’s the CEO of The Partnership, Atlanta’s oldest privately held agency, and an accomplished entrepreneur, having first founded Moxie Media and Marketing in 2012 (DBA M3 Effect).

The company grew tremendously within its first five years, doubling growth in 2017. In an effort to accelerate growth in 2018, Amanda acquired The Partnership in 2018. Her goal? To make The Partnership one of the fastest-growing female-owned agencies in the Southeast and a top-10 advertising agency in Atlanta and Southwest Florida. Her passion is to engage and empower her team to produce the best possible product – work that makes an impact and drives results.

She has held executive roles in both the U.K. and U.S. governments, as well as the Southeast United Dairy Industry Association. She was the Vice Consul, Head of Political, Press and Public Affairs for the British Consulate General, in which she managed all media relations strategies and delivered the UK’s policy and public diplomacy priorities. She also served as a media correspondent and director of communications for the U.S. government and has extensive public affairs experience. Prior to working in D.C., Amanda worked for the Georgia General Assembly House of Representatives.

Amanda is an accomplished public speaker, business owner and volunteer. Her motto: be hungry, keep hustling, and stay humble.

Amy Parrish

CEO & Managing Partner, Rhythm Communications

Amy ParrishAmy Woodward Parrish is the CMO and Founder of Rhythm Communications. 

Rhythm is a 20 year-old PR and Marketing Communications firm.  Rhythm offers traditional Public Relations, Digital Marketing, Event Management, Marketing Collateral and Advertising, Social Media and more. 

Before this role, she was Agency Managing Partner of CO&P Integrated Marketing and CEO of Glue Communications. Parrish has worked on both sides of the press release as she was also a former NBC news journalist. She is involved in her community through membership on the Foundation Board of Tanner Health System, the Board of Rapha Clinic of West GA, marketing director for Annual Sound of Medicine fundraiser, First Baptist Church Bremen co-teacher of couples' Sunday School, Board member of the GA Chamber, and donor for an annual band scholarship. She earned her bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism from the University of Georgia. Rhythm Communications has received Top PR Agencies for 2022, 2021 and 2020 and received Top Reputation Management Provider for the Southeast.